Hello Summer – God Save the Queen
Hello Lovely Readers – Hello Summer?
What an eclectic mix of British weather May 2022 has delivered. We seem to vacillate between thunder, lightning, stormy overcast days to gorgeous, breezy, sunny days here in Dorset in the UK. We Brits seem to be identified globally as the people who spend most time complaining about the weather, our health, the government or any of the things we cannot control.
If you were to ask an inhabitant of this crowded little island, where in the World they would prefer to live – I am sure the list will be long and exotic. Despite this, the consensus after much deliberation, is often, that there`s no place like home. We love our changing seasons, our fish and chips, and actually, we do love a good grumble. No wonder in days gone by, we were known, rather disparagingly, as whinging poms.
Out of curiosity, I did some research into the origin of the term POM. It seems that POM or POME refers to those British, who were transported to Australia, for being naughty, aka, Prisoners of Mother England. I guess, the chances are, you would whinge a little if you were sent to the other side of the globe away from your family and home comforts. Particularly as it was often for stealing a loaf of bread. However, does that excuse us carrying on our whinging for several hundreds of years?
Maybe it is time we cheered ourselves up a bit. Maybe we all need a good knees up!
Talking of which, throughout the nation, there is a backdrop of red, white and blue. We are all rather thrilled that we will be enjoying an extra bank holiday due to our wonderful Queen Elizabeths Platinum Jubilee celebrations. But beyond the extra day off, I find my mind drifting, imagining how impressive the Queen
s lifetime achievements have been. I imagine there are only a handful of British subjects who have known life pre QE2. She is the nation`s guiding grandmother. And like so many others who have lost loved ones over the past few years, I find myself looking at her as my Granny substitute too. I am sure Her Majesty would be mortified at the thought, but what the heck.
Growing up, I remember believing that my mother knew the Queen and that she frequently went to tea with her. My mums best friend, Hester, would often telephone our house, and the five-year-old me would dash to answer it. Hester spoke with awell-educated plum` and always announced it was the Queen calling. Hence, for far too many years to be healthy, I believed my mother and the Queen were besties.
I for one need no excuse, and will be doing the whole bunting festooned, Jubilee tea, with Victoria sponge, strawberries and cream, cucumber sandwiches (with crusts neatly removed) all washed down with, copious quantities of Earl Grey.
Okay, I fib about the Earl Grey, we will most likely pop open a few bottles of nicely chilled fizz and make a toast to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2, and seventy stalwart years of selfless sovereignty.
My challenge to you lovely readers, is to take up the new tongue twister challenge in honour of the Queen. See how long it takes before your teeth fly out, or you giggle so much that bubbles come out of your nose. Here is your task….repeat at least seventy times.
“Seventy stalwart years of selfless sovereignty, seventy stalwart years of selfless sovereignty….”
Thank you, Ma`am or should I say Grandmother Great Britain?
Rainbow at My Easel

A snippet of writing news. I am thrilled to have had my poem, Rainbow at My Easel included in the amazing Welsh publication EGO magazine. It is an inspirational and uplifting online magazine, which I am told is due to go back to a real, hold in your hand and sniff the pages, paper publication in the near future. Yay!
You can find my offering on pages 52 and 53.

On Wednesday 18th May 2022, I ran a one-day Introduction to Soul Numerology
workshop in East Dorset. Big thank you to the lovely enthusiastic ladies who attended and made it such a joyful experience. I will be running further workshops throughout the year and into 2023. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending any of the following. Dates and venues to be confirmed depending on numbers.
Unleash Your Inner Psychic – One day workshop 10am – 4.30pm
Introduction to Face & Soul Reading – One day workshop 10am – 4.30pm
Introduction to Soul Numerology – Level 1 – One day workshop 10am – 4.30pm
Introduction to Soul Numerology – Level 2 – One day workshop 10am – 4.30pm
A QUICK REMINDER my Bright-Spirit and Author-Radley websites are now merged into one. Thanks to the amazing Tom at Wizard Websites life has become a little more streamlined.
You can find me at: www.sashiradley.com
This of course means that the emails associated with the previous websites are now defunct. You can now contact me at: sashi@sashiradley.com
On that note I will leave you to go and search out your Union Jack tablecloths, your party paraphernalia, your best tiaras, hold on to your crown jewels and launch yourself into the nations biggest party celebration week. Happy Platinum Jubilee bank holiday.
God Save Our Queen!
With Love & Blessings